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2015 Walk-A-Thon Registration Form
Invite a new walker(s)? Boost your fundraising goal for 100 points by inviting a friend to walk (new walker). It means a FREE T-shirt to you and your friend or more.  Just email us your friend's name.  We will let you know once he/she register.

Donations can be made online via a link on the St Therese Homepage or https://goo.gl/RShLd8. Donations are processed through PayPal. PayPal personal accounts are not required for processing.

Fundraising Incentives:
$50 - Picnic Lunch
$100 - Walk-A-Thon T-shirt + Lunch
$200 - $10 Gift Cert. + T-shirt + Lunch
$350 - $15 Gift Cert. + T-shirt + Lunch
$500 - $20 Gift Cert. + T-shirt + Lunch + Double your fundraising dollars

Donors will match top 2 walkers who each raises at least $500
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
* Indicates required question
Invite a new walker(s)? Boost your fundraising goal for 100 points by inviting a friend to walk (new walker).  It means a FREE T-shirt to you and your friend or more.
Please provide the names below.
Your answer
Personal Fundraising Goal: $ *
Your answer
I can't walk....
First Name: *
Your answer
Last Name: *
Your answer
Address: *
Your answer
City: *
Your answer
State: *
Your answer
Zip Code: *
Your answer
E-mail: *
Your answer
Phone: *
Your answer
My T-shirt preference:
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Team Name
Consider joining a team today. Together you'll raise more money and have a great time.
Please choose from list...
Chinese Bible Sharing Group
SMI/St Rocco
St Therese School
<New Team> Please type name below
New Team:
Your answer
Are you walking with your pet? *
Bless of animal starts at 9am
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